Group News

Group 1 Automotive Pinnacle Awards 2024
20Posted: 20th Mar 2024

Group 1 Automotive Pinnacle Awards 2024

Group 1 Automotive held their annual Awards Ceremony on 14th March 2024, bringing together all of the Group 1 teams to celebrate successes within our network. The awards applaud the dedication and commitment across the Group 1 family, and the selection process for winners covered various categories such as Sales, Service & Parts. This was followed by the crowning of the Chairmans Awards for both volu...

Decoding the Dashboard - Do UK drivers really know the dashboard signals?
8Posted: 8th Jan 2024

Decoding the Dashboard - Do UK drivers really know the dashboard signals?

Learning to drive can be a challenging experience for new drivers, as it requires not only passing theory and practical tests, but also acquiring knowledge that can often be learned the hard way - knowing what to do when their dashboard lights flash up in their car. Whilst this may be part of a typical theory test for learner drivers, do drivers really remember the signa...

Top Tips For EV Drivers During the Winter Season
4Posted: 4th Dec 2023

Top Tips For EV Drivers During the Winter Season

Winter isn’t coming, it’s already here, and with its chilly embrace comes a series of challenges for many Brits, particularly for those navigating the frosty open roads in EVs (electric vehicles). The cold weather can affect EVs in many different ways, from running much slower, to the battery fully draining, so it’s crucial for EV owners to be aware of the difficulties, in case they encounter th...

UK Drive-Thru Habits
2Posted: 2nd Oct 2023

UK Drive-Thru Habits

In the United Kingdom, we have over 2,000 drive-thrus all across the nation and a drive-thru meal is not uncommon for most people. Some like to have one as a treat, whereas others may prefer to order for convenience. Group 1 Automotive wanted to dig deep into the drive-thru habits of the UK, and reveal key information about the fast food frenzy driving the nation crazy. Throughout the research, we reveal the UK’s favourit...

How to Avoid Fines on the Road This Summer
28Posted: 28th Jun 2023

How to Avoid Fines on the Road This Summer

People make many more short trips during holidays, and complacency on the road can increase the possibility of accidents   Summer driving habits can be risky and lead to fines, with data showing that drivers are more likely to drive faster, and drink-drive As summer approaches, safety experts at car manufacturer SEAT are warning of the potential dangers of being complacent during short t...

Not So Fast and Furious? The Cars That Could’ve Won
31Posted: 31st May 2023

Not So Fast and Furious? The Cars That Could’ve Won

With the upcoming film in the ‘Fast and Furious’ franchise set to be the penultimate one, the chapter is almost closing for Dominic Toretto and the storylines that are both loved and hated by cinemagoers. Whatever your opinion on the franchise and how it has evolved over time, it’s beyond doubt that it has had a massive impact on the cinema industry and has provided a cultural talking point ...

The Best European Countries for Supercar Enthusiasts
11Posted: 11th Apr 2023

The Best European Countries for Supercar Enthusiasts

To own a supercar is to live in a rarefied atmosphere, to be a part of an exclusive club that many of us can only aspire to be in. There are, of course, the financial limitations associated with supercar ownership but there are also other barriers that may make it less likely, or even less appealing, depending on where you live. And while there are barriers to being a supercar owner, your ex...

The Ultimate Driving Playlist
11Posted: 11th Apr 2023

The Ultimate Driving Playlist

The simple pleasure of driving around, windows down, with your favourite tunes on can often go unmatched as an experience. Be it because you’re in your own bubble just enjoying some great songs or because you are making a boring commute more entertaining, either way, the experience is almost universal when it comes to the joy of music whilst driving. But what makes the ultimate driving playlist and is there a diffe...

Motability New Vehicle Payment Increased to £750
1Posted: 1st Mar 2023

Motability New Vehicle Payment Increased to £750

As of March 2023, Motability customers receiving their car get a free, one-off £750 New Vehicle Payment. The Motability Scheme is giving back to their valued customers. You can use this £750 however you wish - spend it on fuel for your car, put it towards your energy bills or save it. The choice is yours! Motability introduced the New Vehicle Payment back in February 2022 at £250. But now it’s...


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